
Bistro Du Vin

General Information

Allow Children? Yes children are allowed

Allow Smoking? We are sorry smoking is not allowed

Allow pets? We are sorry pets are not allowed

Is there Parking? Yes there is customer parking

Are there Handicap Facilities? Yes there are Handicap Facilities

Enquire about this Attraction

01904 405260

Name of Attraction = Bistro Du Vin

Type of Attraction = Restaurant

Directions = See Map

Summary = The Bistro Du Vin is situated in the Hotel Du Vin in the center of York, which makes it a short walk from accommodation from Holiday Homes in York. The restaurant is Inspired by French home style cooking with robust earthy dishes, and slow-cooked foods, Bistro du Vin French influenced menu has an undeniably British flavour, take a look at the newest, seasonal , a smart night out or an excellent lunch and Sunday lunch venue.


Booking Information

Opening Time = 6PM

Closing Time = 11PM

Adult Price =

Children Price =

OAP Price =

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